Types Of Germination. There are two kinds of germination including hypogeal germination and Epigeal germination Hypogeal germination is the kind of germination in which the seed leaves or the cotyledons do not come out of the surface of earth and remain below the surface of earth For example pea seed follows hypogeal germination.

There are two types of germination 1 Epigeal Germination In this type of germination the hypocotyl elongates rapidly and arches upwards pulling the cotyledons which move above the soil Bean cotton papaya gourd castor and onion have germination of this kind.
Types of germination – Biology for Everybody
Types of germination Epicotyl is the region between the point of attachment of cotyledons and plumule Hypocotyl is the area of axis below cotyledons During germination either of them elongates at a time In hypogeal type of germination the epicotyl elongates and the cotyledons remain below or on the surface of ground eg gram.
Topic: Types and Stages of Seed Germination
The nature of germination varies in different seedsDuring germination the cotyledons may be brought above the soil surfaceThis type of germination is called epigeal germinationIf during germination the cotyledons remain underground the type of germination is known.
Seed Germination: Definition, Types, Process & Factors
Epigeal germination occurs in castor cotton onion papaya etc In addition to food storage cotyledons undergo photosynthesis and produce food for the development of the embryo What is Hypogeal Germination Hypogeal germination is the other type of germination in which the cotyledons remain inside the soil Therefore its hypocotyl is short.
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and Hypogeal Germination Difference Between Epigeal
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Hypogeal Germination A Type of Germination In Plants …
Different types of seed germination Epigeal Germination Hypogeal Germination Vivipary Epigeal Germination By rapid growth of the hypocotyl these plants germinate when the cotyledons emerge above ground Epigeal Germination occurs in the seeds of many dicotyledonous plants including beans castor sunflowers gourds and cucumbers.