Streaming Prambors Bandung. Sebenarnya ada radio Prambors Bandung yang baru saja di rilis 12 tahun lalu *lupa* tapi tampaknya beda rasanya mendengarkan siaran radio Prambors Jakarta dengan siaran lokal disini Entah kenapa mungkin karena gaya obrolan sang penyiarnya yang berbeda *walaupun terkesan dipaksakan untuk sama* Hahahaha Karena itulah saya lebih senang.

Asia POP 40 with Dom Lau (Sat 69am & Sun 58pm) TW!XM!X with Justin Case (Sat 1012pm) The Weekend Show (Sat 9am4pm & Sun 10am5pm) You can hear Prambors on 8 cities in Indonesia that is Jakarta 1022 FM Bandung 984 FM Yogyakarta 958 FM Semarang 102 FM Solo 992 FM Medan 975 FM Makasar 1051 FM dan Surabaya 893 FMMissing streamingMust include.
Berita dgitm terbaru Hari Ini pramborsfm
Prambors FM 984 Bandung 101 Jak FM 1031 Gen FM Surabaya Cosmopolitan FM Radio Suara Surabaya Radio Stations by Genre Pop Music 80s News Adult Contemporary Talk Top 40 90s 70s Rock Dance All Genres Twitter Tweets by @Prambors Languages Deutsche Dansk English Español Français Italiano Melayu Nederlands Norsk Orang Indonesia PolskieMissing streamingMust include.
Radio Online Indonesia semua stasiun radio
Prambors menyediakan beragam program untuk menemani harihari anda NOW PLAYING PramborsFM Indonesia No1 Hit Music Station NOW PLAYING PramborsFM SIGN IN MENU LISTEN WATCH NEWS CHART EVENTS HOME TAG #dgitm Semua Artikel Video Podcast SAPA MANTAN Mentalnya kuat banget! Nelfon mantan yang baru aja lamaran!Missing streamingMust include.
PramborsFM Streaming No.1 Hit Music Station
Prambors FM (formerly known as Prambors Rasisonia and 1023 FMANIA) is a commercial radio network based in Jakarta IndonesiaLaunched on March 18 1971 in Jakarta the purpose of station was to play pop music with their target audience being teenagers and young adults Prambors is known as a teen icon in Indonesia throughout the 80’s and 90’s It is owned andMissing streamingMust include.
Radio Indonesia Radio Fm
Prambors FM 98.4 Bandung, dengarkan langsung radio Indonesia
Prambors FM Wikipedia
Prambors Bandung 98.4 FM streaming Radio Online
Prambors FM streaming 98.4 MHz FM, Kota Bandung
Prambors FM Makassar
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Prambors FM 102.2 Jakarta Listen Online myTuner Radio
Prambors FM Listen Live
Prambors FM 98.4 Bandung Listen Online myTuner Radio
Streaming KWave Today Oppa Siap Episode 2: Bandung
Visit the Radio’s website Facebook 022 82063808 Paris Van Java Resort and Lifestyle Place Level 735 P 12 Jl Sukajadi no 137139 Bandung 40162 promosi@pramborsfmcom Songs playing in Prambors FM BandungMissing streamingMust include.