Kapkan Voice Lines. Blackbeard (voice) Renata Eastlick Caveira (voice) Demore Barnes Capitão (voice) Shuhei Kinoshita Echo (voice) Anahi Bustillos Mira (2019) (voice) Jenny Raven.

My new favourite Clash voiceline Had a clash on team last night holding a window and hear “YOU FUCKIN MUPPET” cross map and ran over to pinch the guy 10/10 voice line I read this with a Gordon Ramsey accent Take your upvote.
All The Voice Lines In The Game (That I Could Find) : Rainbow6
In this video there are over 3000 voice lines/dialogue of the characters/operators of rainbow six siege If you dont know what dialogue is its all the voice lines in the game such as “Hostiles in the meeting room” and “throwing a grenade/Reinforced the wall!” It also includes the operator terrorist hunt dialogue at the start of the matchMissing kapkanMust include.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege: Kapkan Voice Lines …
OverviewBiographyGameplay Description”These soldiers think their training will keep them alive They break down doors and come through windows weapons drawn They check the corners watch each other’s backs and give the all clear But it’s too late They forgot the first rule of survival A real hunter always watches where he steps” — Kapkan Maxim “Kapkan” Basuda (Russian Максим Басудa) is a Defending Operator f Text under.
Rainbow Six Siege Capitao Voice Lines Youtube 0A8
Voice lines Answer Fookin laser sights Thatcher Do you think I have time to use the bathroom Blitz What does an artist and a sniper have in common details Glaz Kapkan *silence* Mute No comments yet Add comment New and Popular Countries of the World Quiz US States Quiz.
Kapkan Operator Guide Mmd Gaming
Rainbow6 Clash voiceline : My new favourite
Rainbow six siege JetPunk voice lines
Tachanka Rainbow Six Wiki Fandom
Kapkan r6, kapkan est un spécialiste des pièges et
Siege Voice Lines/dialogue(3000+ ALL Rainbow Six Lines
Operators famous/memorable quotes. :: Tom Clancy’s Rainbow
Lesion Rainbow Six Wiki Fandom
Rainbow Six Siege Voice Lines: Tachanka YouTube
IMDb Rainbow Six: Siege & Crew (Video Game 2015) Full Cast
Finka Rainbow Six Wiki Fandom
Continue browsing in r/Rainbow6 r/Rainbow6 Welcome to the Rainbow Six subreddit a community for R6 fans to discuss Rainbow Six Siege and past favorites 14m.