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GalicianIndonesianPortugueseEtymology13th century From Old Galician and Old Portuguese bolir from Latin bullīre (“to bubble boil”) from bulla (“bubble”)Pronunciation1 IPA(key) /buˈliɾ/.
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(3) Dr BULIR shall not charge a fee for medical services (4) The certificate expires on the earlier of the following times when Dr BULIR is no longer enrolled in a program of postgraduate medical education provided by a medical school in Ontario or when Dr BULIR no longer holds Canadian citizenship permanent resident status or a valid employment.
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bulir (also ir mudar andar mover prosseguir mexer propor moverse remover sensibilizar) volume_up move [moved|moved] {vb} PT bulir com alguém {verb} [example] volume_up bulir com alguém volume_up upset someone {vb} [ex] Context sentences Portuguese English Contextual examples of “bulir” in English These sentences come from external sources and.